Bego VarseoSmile Crown plus
Advantages for the laboratory
- Specially for the resin developed printing and processing parameters ensure smooth production sequences with reproducible results at any time
- High dimensional stability and strength of the printed objects due to high values of flexural strength and flexural modulus – therefore precise fit
- Minimized resin sedimentation for easy handling, no mixing or shaking necessary with regular use
- Easy to grind and polish by using standard tools
- Seven shades according to the proven VITA* classical shades:A1, A2, A3, B1, B3, C2, D3
- Satisfies all the requirements for a Class IIa** medical device
Advantages for the patient
- Excellent aesthetics thanks to a balanced ratio of opacity and translucency
- Low tendency to age and discolor thanks to very low water absorption
- Low plaque accumilation due to smooth surface
- High comfort thanks to low cold and heat sensitivity
- Antagonist-friendly material with mechanical buffering effect – ideal for implant-supported crowns
- Minimized formation of secondary caries thanks to a high adhesive bond with luting composites
- High biocompatibility due to very low water solubility – therefore not cytotoxic, not genotoxic, not toxic, not irritating and not sensitizing